Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Jr2J 2012

I got hooked on Fifty Shades of Grey.

It's not what you think! I'm not into BDSM, the story is genuinely interesting!! Really!!

You don't believe me, don't you? . . .

Well, change of subject: SCHOOL HOLIDAYS.

For the first time in years (okay, my lifetime) I actually don't want the holidays to come.

Because I can't stand leaving JR2J 2012 . . .

And I can't do anything during the holidays except read and Facebook and photo-blog.

So, Fifty Shades of Boredom it is.

Carol -- Thank you for being my friend and not judging me by my looks. I couldn't have survived the school year without you. :)

Kar Hooi -- CUTE BAO. The one that I can't stay mad at for too long. You're the funniest person I've evr met. xD

Rachel -- OMG WHERE TO START??? I LOVE YOU, NIALL'SPURPLENINJAKANGAROOWHOBULLIESHOTCHOCOLATES! Stay off the marshmallows, they'll get stuck in your braces. Jus' sayin'.

Kher Shin -- I'm sorry for the middle of the school year incident . . . I'm glad that we're using the same phone! x)

Wai Yen -- Who's my favorite cushion?? Sorry for all the times in the elevator, but we were just joking. I love you!! \

Yan Han -- Thank you for putting up with me for 5 months. Congratz! You deserve a cookie. RAISIN COOKIE. >:D

Victor -- I'm so happy you'll still be here next year, because frankly, school wouldn't be the same without you. Stay the same. :)

Yih Haur -- This crazy mutha-freaking guy has to be the most hilarious person alive! Ahaha!!

I love you, JR2J 2012. We've been through a lot of catfights, dramas, and hard times, but you'll always have a place in my heart. :')

Keep calm and rock on.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Go With The Flow

Sole purpose in life: Get married to Zayn Malik. :D

On the plane back from Hong Kong, I even imagined out how he'd propose:

Me: "Uh, how did you get in my room?"
Zayn: "The back door was unlocked."
Me: "So...can I help you?"
Zayn: "So I was thinking that we can get married in secret and then we'll live in a private mansion on a small remote island so that the paps won't get us and have three kids and a dog named Lucky and be together forever. What do you think?"
Me: "...."
Zayn: "Are you breathing?"

...yeah, that probably wouldn't turn out so good. But still.

Rachel, Rachel, RACHEL. I hope she's on her way back now, I haven't spoken to her face-to-face in ages.

The first thing I'm going to do is give her a slap upside the head for not bringing me a real koala bear like I wanted. Although I didn't kidnap Mickey Mouse for her either, so that kinda makes us even.

The heck. The first thing Carol asked me when I got back was "Do you have souvenirs for me?" Like I'm some kind of vending-machine? Heh.

School is starting in a few days, and exams are starting in a week or so. Which genius asked for the exams to be held after the holidays?

[Her name is probably spelled M-c-D-O-N-A-L-D, if you know who I mean.]

I should go. Mom's going to be hounding me over the rights to this laptop right now, and I don't want trouble.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

This Is One Heck Of A Year...

Long time no blog...well, let's see:

Well, a lot of things have happened, and it's the second holidays now.

Now I've got a few other additional best friends: Carol, Kar Hooi, Wai Di, Kher Shin, Yan Han, Yih Haur and Wai Yen.

They are few of the craziest people I've ever met! We stuff ourselves with popcorn and junk food all the time, and snap crazy pictures of each other, swap scary stories, have lunch together, and all that crap. *winkface*

And I barely passed my exams... a 55.56 average. Damn, that was close...

Rachel's in Kangarooland, and I'm leaving fo HK tomorrow. On the midnight flight. With no music. And Facebook. Or Instagram.

Form 2 is pretty different than 1...socializing seems to be the key point this year. Tell me why again?

PMR next year. Need I say more? Someone please put a bullet through my brain. NOW.

I feel so stupidly naive when I read my old posts...god, what did the "2010-2011 me" post on the Internet?!

One Direction. They're everywhere these days. On the news, on the Internet, on the television...and in my brain.

Started guitar lessons a few weeks back. And I'm learning 'One Thing'. Wasn't as easy as I thought, but whatever. I'll live, :P

Right now my mom is yakking on the phone and I have to log off NOW before I lose it and put my fist through the computer screen.

Friday, December 16, 2011

I Need A Break

Well, as you can see, I haven't updated my blog in a long time.

The truth is, I don't feel like writing anymore.

So I'll see you in . . . umm . . . nevermind.


Sunday, November 27, 2011

Sunny With A Chance Of Snow

Uploaded a picture of my nails a few days ago and suddenly, everyone is starting to post pictures of THEIR nails.

Whoa. A trendsetter. I could get use to this.

But don't forget, I was first! xD

My nails. Teal nail polish. :D

Sze Ling the flag-fanatic

Cai Chan showing her dark side

Rachel's a' la Paris nails. The Eiffel tower is a nice touch. :-)

Syi Ling(Sze Ling's twin) trying out the tamed Lady Gaga look.

. . . needless to say, my mom hated my nails. I have until tomorrow to clean them off. Whatevs.

I'm flying to Korea on Tuesday! I'm really nervous and excited, because I'm a bit scared of planes.

Going to pack my stuff now. How do I kill 6 hours on a plane without my MP4?!